# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from collections.abc import Callable
from collections.abc import Mapping
from typing import Any
from typing import Optional
from typing import Union
from google.api_core.exceptions import BadRequest
from google.cloud import bigquery
import apache_beam as beam
from apache_beam.pvalue import Row
from apache_beam.transforms.enrichment import EnrichmentSourceHandler
QueryFn = Callable[[beam.Row], str]
ConditionValueFn = Callable[[beam.Row], list[Any]]
def _validate_bigquery_metadata(
table_name, row_restriction_template, fields, condition_value_fn, query_fn):
if query_fn:
if bool(table_name or row_restriction_template or fields or
raise ValueError(
"Please provide either `query_fn` or the parameters `table_name`, "
"`row_restriction_template`, and `fields/condition_value_fn` "
if not (table_name and row_restriction_template):
raise ValueError(
"Please provide either `query_fn` or the parameters "
"`table_name`, `row_restriction_template` together.")
if ((fields and condition_value_fn) or
(not fields and not condition_value_fn)):
raise ValueError(
"Please provide exactly one of `fields` or "
class BigQueryEnrichmentHandler(EnrichmentSourceHandler[Union[Row, list[Row]],
Union[Row, list[Row]]]):
"""Enrichment handler for Google Cloud BigQuery.
Use this handler with :class:`apache_beam.transforms.enrichment.Enrichment`
To use this handler you need either of the following combinations:
* `table_name`, `row_restriction_template`, `fields`
* `table_name`, `row_restriction_template`, `condition_value_fn`
* `query_fn`
By default, the handler pulls all columns from the BigQuery table.
To override this, use the `column_name` parameter to specify a list of column
names to fetch.
This handler pulls data from BigQuery per element by default. To change this
behavior, set the `min_batch_size` and `max_batch_size` parameters.
These min and max values for batch size are sent to the
:class:`apache_beam.transforms.utils.BatchElements` transform.
NOTE: Elements cannot be batched when using the `query_fn` parameter.
def __init__(
project: str,
table_name: str = "",
row_restriction_template: str = "",
fields: Optional[list[str]] = None,
column_names: Optional[list[str]] = None,
condition_value_fn: Optional[ConditionValueFn] = None,
query_fn: Optional[QueryFn] = None,
min_batch_size: int = 1,
max_batch_size: int = 10000,
Example Usage:
handler = BigQueryEnrichmentHandler(project=project_name,
project: Google Cloud project ID for the BigQuery table.
table_name (str): Fully qualified BigQuery table name
in the format `project.dataset.table`.
row_restriction_template (str): A template string for the `WHERE` clause
in the BigQuery query with placeholders (`{}`) to dynamically filter
rows based on input data.
fields: (Optional[list[str]]) List of field names present in the input
`beam.Row`. These are used to construct the WHERE clause
(if `condition_value_fn` is not provided).
column_names: (Optional[list[str]]) Names of columns to select from the
BigQuery table. If not provided, all columns (`*`) are selected.
condition_value_fn: (Optional[Callable[[beam.Row], Any]]) A function
that takes a `beam.Row` and returns a list of value to populate in the
placeholder `{}` of `WHERE` clause in the query.
query_fn: (Optional[Callable[[beam.Row], str]]) A function that takes a
`beam.Row` and returns a complete BigQuery SQL query string.
min_batch_size (int): Minimum number of rows to batch together when
querying BigQuery. Defaults to 1 if `query_fn` is not specified.
max_batch_size (int): Maximum number of rows to batch together.
Defaults to 10,000 if `query_fn` is not specified.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to `bigquery.Client`.
* `min_batch_size` and `max_batch_size` cannot be defined if the
`query_fn` is provided.
* Either `fields` or `condition_value_fn` must be provided for query
construction if `query_fn` is not provided.
* Ensure appropriate permissions are granted for BigQuery access.
self.project = project
self.column_names = column_names
self.select_fields = ",".join(column_names) if column_names else '*'
self.row_restriction_template = row_restriction_template
self.table_name = table_name
self.fields = fields if fields else []
self.condition_value_fn = condition_value_fn
self.query_fn = query_fn
self.query_template = (
"SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s" %
(self.select_fields, self.table_name, self.row_restriction_template))
self.kwargs = kwargs
self._batching_kwargs = {}
if not query_fn:
self._batching_kwargs['min_batch_size'] = min_batch_size
self._batching_kwargs['max_batch_size'] = max_batch_size
def __enter__(self):
self.client = bigquery.Client(project=self.project, **self.kwargs)
def _execute_query(self, query: str):
results = self.client.query(query=query).result()
if self._batching_kwargs:
return [dict(row.items()) for row in results]
return [dict(row.items()) for row in results][0]
except BadRequest as e:
raise BadRequest(
f'Could not execute the query: {query}. Please check if '
f'the query is properly formatted and the BigQuery '
f'table exists. {e}')
except RuntimeError as e:
raise RuntimeError(f"Could not complete the query request: {query}. {e}")
def create_row_key(self, row: beam.Row):
if self.condition_value_fn:
return tuple(self.condition_value_fn(row))
if self.fields:
row_dict = row._asdict()
return (tuple(row_dict[field] for field in self.fields))
raise ValueError("Either fields or condition_value_fn must be specified")
def __call__(self, request: Union[beam.Row, list[beam.Row]], *args, **kwargs):
if isinstance(request, list):
values = []
responses = []
requests_map: dict[Any, Any] = {}
batch_size = len(request)
raw_query = self.query_template
if batch_size > 1:
batched_condition_template = ' or '.join(
[fr'({self.row_restriction_template})'] * batch_size)
raw_query = self.query_template.replace(
self.row_restriction_template, batched_condition_template)
for req in request:
request_dict = req._asdict()
current_values = (
self.condition_value_fn(req) if self.condition_value_fn else
[request_dict[field] for field in self.fields])
except KeyError as e:
raise KeyError(
"Make sure the values passed in `fields` are the "
"keys in the input `beam.Row`." + str(e))
requests_map[self.create_row_key(req)] = req
query = raw_query.format(*values)
responses_dict = self._execute_query(query)
for response in responses_dict:
response_row = beam.Row(**response)
response_key = self.create_row_key(response_row)
if response_key in requests_map:
responses.append((requests_map[response_key], response_row))
return responses
request_dict = request._asdict()
if self.query_fn:
# if a query_fn is provided then it return a list of values
# that should be populated into the query template string.
query = self.query_fn(request)
values = (
self.condition_value_fn(request) if self.condition_value_fn else
list(map(request_dict.get, self.fields)))
# construct the query.
query = self.query_template.format(*values)
response_dict = self._execute_query(query)
return request, beam.Row(**response_dict)
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
def get_cache_key(self, request: Union[beam.Row, list[beam.Row]]):
if isinstance(request, list):
cache_keys = []
for req in request:
req_dict = req._asdict()
current_values = (
self.condition_value_fn(req) if self.condition_value_fn else
[req_dict[field] for field in self.fields])
key = ";".join(["%s"] * len(current_values))
cache_keys.extend([key % tuple(current_values)])
except KeyError as e:
raise KeyError(
"Make sure the values passed in `fields` are the "
"keys in the input `beam.Row`." + str(e))
return cache_keys
req_dict = request._asdict()
current_values = (
self.condition_value_fn(request) if self.condition_value_fn else
[req_dict[field] for field in self.fields])
key = ";".join(["%s"] * len(current_values))
cache_key = key % tuple(current_values)
except KeyError as e:
raise KeyError(
"Make sure the values passed in `fields` are the "
"keys in the input `beam.Row`." + str(e))
return cache_key
def batch_elements_kwargs(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
"""Returns a kwargs suitable for `beam.BatchElements`."""
return self._batching_kwargs