# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Mapping
from typing import Optional
from typing import Union
from google.api_core.exceptions import BadRequest
from google.cloud import bigquery
import apache_beam as beam
from apache_beam.pvalue import Row
from apache_beam.transforms.enrichment import EnrichmentSourceHandler
QueryFn = Callable[[beam.Row], str]
ConditionValueFn = Callable[[beam.Row], List[Any]]
def _validate_bigquery_metadata(
table_name, row_restriction_template, fields, condition_value_fn, query_fn):
if query_fn:
if bool(table_name or row_restriction_template or fields or
raise ValueError(
"Please provide either `query_fn` or the parameters `table_name`, "
"`row_restriction_template`, and `fields/condition_value_fn` "
if not (table_name and row_restriction_template):
raise ValueError(
"Please provide either `query_fn` or the parameters "
"`table_name`, `row_restriction_template` together.")
if ((fields and condition_value_fn) or
(not fields and not condition_value_fn)):
raise ValueError(
"Please provide exactly one of `fields` or "
class BigQueryEnrichmentHandler(EnrichmentSourceHandler[Union[Row, List[Row]],
Union[Row, List[Row]]]):
"""Enrichment handler for Google Cloud BigQuery.
Use this handler with :class:`apache_beam.transforms.enrichment.Enrichment`
To use this handler you need either of the following combinations:
* `table_name`, `row_restriction_template`, `fields`
* `table_name`, `row_restriction_template`, `condition_value_fn`
* `query_fn`
By default, the handler pulls all columns from the BigQuery table.
To override this, use the `column_name` parameter to specify a list of column
names to fetch.
This handler pulls data from BigQuery per element by default. To change this
behavior, set the `min_batch_size` and `max_batch_size` parameters.
These min and max values for batch size are sent to the
:class:`apache_beam.transforms.utils.BatchElements` transform.
NOTE: Elements cannot be batched when using the `query_fn` parameter.
def __init__(
project: str,
table_name: str = "",
row_restriction_template: str = "",
fields: Optional[List[str]] = None,
column_names: Optional[List[str]] = None,
condition_value_fn: Optional[ConditionValueFn] = None,
query_fn: Optional[QueryFn] = None,
min_batch_size: int = 1,
max_batch_size: int = 10000,
Example Usage:
handler = BigQueryEnrichmentHandler(project=project_name,
project: Google Cloud project ID for the BigQuery table.
table_name (str): Fully qualified BigQuery table name
in the format `project.dataset.table`.
row_restriction_template (str): A template string for the `WHERE` clause
in the BigQuery query with placeholders (`{}`) to dynamically filter
rows based on input data.
fields: (Optional[List[str]]) List of field names present in the input
`beam.Row`. These are used to construct the WHERE clause
(if `condition_value_fn` is not provided).
column_names: (Optional[List[str]]) Names of columns to select from the
BigQuery table. If not provided, all columns (`*`) are selected.
condition_value_fn: (Optional[Callable[[beam.Row], Any]]) A function
that takes a `beam.Row` and returns a list of value to populate in the
placeholder `{}` of `WHERE` clause in the query.
query_fn: (Optional[Callable[[beam.Row], str]]) A function that takes a
`beam.Row` and returns a complete BigQuery SQL query string.
min_batch_size (int): Minimum number of rows to batch together when
querying BigQuery. Defaults to 1 if `query_fn` is not specified.
max_batch_size (int): Maximum number of rows to batch together.
Defaults to 10,000 if `query_fn` is not specified.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to `bigquery.Client`.
* `min_batch_size` and `max_batch_size` cannot be defined if the
`query_fn` is provided.
* Either `fields` or `condition_value_fn` must be provided for query
construction if `query_fn` is not provided.
* Ensure appropriate permissions are granted for BigQuery access.
self.project = project
self.column_names = column_names
self.select_fields = ",".join(column_names) if column_names else '*'
self.row_restriction_template = row_restriction_template
self.table_name = table_name
self.fields = fields if fields else []
self.condition_value_fn = condition_value_fn
self.query_fn = query_fn
self.query_template = (
"SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s" %
(self.select_fields, self.table_name, self.row_restriction_template))
self.kwargs = kwargs
self._batching_kwargs = {}
if not query_fn:
self._batching_kwargs['min_batch_size'] = min_batch_size
self._batching_kwargs['max_batch_size'] = max_batch_size
def __enter__(self):
self.client = bigquery.Client(project=self.project, **self.kwargs)
def _execute_query(self, query: str):
results = self.client.query(query=query).result()
if self._batching_kwargs:
return [dict(row.items()) for row in results]
return [dict(row.items()) for row in results][0]
except BadRequest as e:
raise BadRequest(
f'Could not execute the query: {query}. Please check if '
f'the query is properly formatted and the BigQuery '
f'table exists. {e}')
except RuntimeError as e:
raise RuntimeError(f"Could not complete the query request: {query}. {e}")
def __call__(self, request: Union[beam.Row, List[beam.Row]], *args, **kwargs):
if isinstance(request, List):
values = []
responses = []
requests_map: Dict[Any, Any] = {}
batch_size = len(request)
raw_query = self.query_template
if batch_size > 1:
batched_condition_template = ' or '.join(
[self.row_restriction_template] * batch_size)
raw_query = self.query_template.replace(
self.row_restriction_template, batched_condition_template)
for req in request:
request_dict = req._asdict()
current_values = (
self.condition_value_fn(req) if self.condition_value_fn else
[request_dict[field] for field in self.fields])
except KeyError as e:
raise KeyError(
"Make sure the values passed in `fields` are the "
"keys in the input `beam.Row`." + str(e))
requests_map.update((val, req) for val in current_values)
query = raw_query.format(*values)
responses_dict = self._execute_query(query)
for response in responses_dict:
for value in response.values():
if value in requests_map:
responses.append((requests_map[value], beam.Row(**response)))
return responses
request_dict = request._asdict()
if self.query_fn:
# if a query_fn is provided then it return a list of values
# that should be populated into the query template string.
query = self.query_fn(request)
values = (
self.condition_value_fn(request) if self.condition_value_fn else
list(map(request_dict.get, self.fields)))
# construct the query.
query = self.query_template.format(*values)
response_dict = self._execute_query(query)
return request, beam.Row(**response_dict)
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
def get_cache_key(self, request: Union[beam.Row, List[beam.Row]]):
if isinstance(request, List):
cache_keys = []
for req in request:
req_dict = req._asdict()
current_values = (
self.condition_value_fn(req) if self.condition_value_fn else
[req_dict[field] for field in self.fields])
key = ";".join(["%s"] * len(current_values))
cache_keys.extend([key % tuple(current_values)])
except KeyError as e:
raise KeyError(
"Make sure the values passed in `fields` are the "
"keys in the input `beam.Row`." + str(e))
return cache_keys
req_dict = request._asdict()
current_values = (
self.condition_value_fn(request) if self.condition_value_fn else
[req_dict[field] for field in self.fields])
key = ";".join(["%s"] * len(current_values))
cache_key = key % tuple(current_values)
except KeyError as e:
raise KeyError(
"Make sure the values passed in `fields` are the "
"keys in the input `beam.Row`." + str(e))
return cache_key
def batch_elements_kwargs(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
"""Returns a kwargs suitable for `beam.BatchElements`."""
return self._batching_kwargs