Source code for apache_beam.metrics.metric

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User-facing classes for Metrics API.

The classes in this file allow users to define and use metrics to be collected
and displayed as part of their pipeline execution.

- Metrics - This class lets pipeline and transform writers create and access
    metric objects such as counters, distributions, etc.
# pytype: skip-file
# mypy: disallow-untyped-defs

import logging
import re
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Dict
from typing import FrozenSet
from typing import Iterable
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Set
from typing import Type
from typing import Union

from apache_beam.metrics import cells
from apache_beam.metrics.execution import MetricResult
from apache_beam.metrics.execution import MetricUpdater
from apache_beam.metrics.metricbase import Counter
from apache_beam.metrics.metricbase import Distribution
from apache_beam.metrics.metricbase import Gauge
from apache_beam.metrics.metricbase import MetricName
from apache_beam.metrics.metricbase import StringSet

  from apache_beam.metrics.execution import MetricKey
  from apache_beam.metrics.metricbase import Metric

__all__ = ['Metrics', 'MetricsFilter', 'Lineage']

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Metrics(object): """Lets users create/access metric objects during pipeline execution."""
[docs] @staticmethod def get_namespace(namespace: Union[Type, str]) -> str: if isinstance(namespace, type): return '{}.{}'.format(namespace.__module__, namespace.__name__) elif isinstance(namespace, str): return namespace else: raise ValueError('Unknown namespace type')
[docs] @staticmethod def counter( namespace: Union[Type, str], name: str) -> 'Metrics.DelegatingCounter': """Obtains or creates a Counter metric. Args: namespace: A class or string that gives the namespace to a metric name: A string that gives a unique name to a metric Returns: A Counter object. """ namespace = Metrics.get_namespace(namespace) return Metrics.DelegatingCounter(MetricName(namespace, name))
[docs] @staticmethod def distribution( namespace: Union[Type, str], name: str) -> 'Metrics.DelegatingDistribution': """Obtains or creates a Distribution metric. Distribution metrics are restricted to integer-only distributions. Args: namespace: A class or string that gives the namespace to a metric name: A string that gives a unique name to a metric Returns: A Distribution object. """ namespace = Metrics.get_namespace(namespace) return Metrics.DelegatingDistribution(MetricName(namespace, name))
[docs] @staticmethod def gauge( namespace: Union[Type, str], name: str) -> 'Metrics.DelegatingGauge': """Obtains or creates a Gauge metric. Gauge metrics are restricted to integer-only values. Args: namespace: A class or string that gives the namespace to a metric name: A string that gives a unique name to a metric Returns: A Distribution object. """ namespace = Metrics.get_namespace(namespace) return Metrics.DelegatingGauge(MetricName(namespace, name))
[docs] @staticmethod def string_set( namespace: Union[Type, str], name: str) -> 'Metrics.DelegatingStringSet': """Obtains or creates a String set metric. String set metrics are restricted to string values. Args: namespace: A class or string that gives the namespace to a metric name: A string that gives a unique name to a metric Returns: A StringSet object. """ namespace = Metrics.get_namespace(namespace) return Metrics.DelegatingStringSet(MetricName(namespace, name))
[docs] class DelegatingCounter(Counter): """Metrics Counter that Delegates functionality to MetricsEnvironment.""" def __init__( self, metric_name: MetricName, process_wide: bool = False) -> None: super().__init__(metric_name) = MetricUpdater( # type: ignore[assignment] cells.CounterCell, metric_name, default_value=1, process_wide=process_wide)
[docs] class DelegatingDistribution(Distribution): """Metrics Distribution Delegates functionality to MetricsEnvironment.""" def __init__(self, metric_name: MetricName) -> None: super().__init__(metric_name) self.update = MetricUpdater(cells.DistributionCell, metric_name) # type: ignore[assignment]
[docs] class DelegatingGauge(Gauge): """Metrics Gauge that Delegates functionality to MetricsEnvironment.""" def __init__(self, metric_name: MetricName) -> None: super().__init__(metric_name) self.set = MetricUpdater(cells.GaugeCell, metric_name) # type: ignore[assignment]
[docs] class DelegatingStringSet(StringSet): """Metrics StringSet that Delegates functionality to MetricsEnvironment.""" def __init__(self, metric_name: MetricName) -> None: super().__init__(metric_name) self.add = MetricUpdater(cells.StringSetCell, metric_name) # type: ignore[assignment]
class MetricResults(object): COUNTERS = "counters" DISTRIBUTIONS = "distributions" GAUGES = "gauges" STRINGSETS = "string_sets" @staticmethod def _matches_name(filter: 'MetricsFilter', metric_key: 'MetricKey') -> bool: if ((filter.namespaces and metric_key.metric.namespace not in filter.namespaces) or (filter.names and not in filter.names)): return False else: return True @staticmethod def _is_sub_list(needle: List[str], haystack: List[str]) -> bool: """True iff `needle` is a sub-list of `haystack` (i.e. a contiguous slice of `haystack` exactly matches `needle`""" needle_len = len(needle) haystack_len = len(haystack) for i in range(0, haystack_len - needle_len + 1): if haystack[i:i + needle_len] == needle: return True return False @staticmethod def _matches_sub_path(actual_scope: str, filter_scope: str) -> bool: """True iff the '/'-delimited pieces of filter_scope exist as a sub-list of the '/'-delimited pieces of actual_scope""" return bool( actual_scope and MetricResults._is_sub_list( filter_scope.split('/'), actual_scope.split('/'))) @staticmethod def _matches_scope(filter: 'MetricsFilter', metric_key: 'MetricKey') -> bool: if not filter.steps: return True for step in filter.steps: if MetricResults._matches_sub_path(metric_key.step, step): return True return False @staticmethod def matches( filter: Optional['MetricsFilter'], metric_key: 'MetricKey') -> bool: if filter is None: return True if (MetricResults._matches_name(filter, metric_key) and MetricResults._matches_scope(filter, metric_key)): return True return False def query( self, filter: Optional['MetricsFilter'] = None ) -> Dict[str, List['MetricResult']]: """Queries the runner for existing user metrics that match the filter. It should return a dictionary, with lists of each kind of metric, and each list contains the corresponding kind of MetricResult. Like so: { "counters": [MetricResult(counter_key, committed, attempted), ...], "distributions": [MetricResult(dist_key, committed, attempted), ...], "gauges": [], // Empty list if nothing matched the filter. "string_sets": [] [MetricResult(string_set_key, committed, attempted), ...] } The committed / attempted values are DistributionResult / GaugeResult / int / set objects. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class MetricsFilter(object): """Simple object to filter metrics results. If filters by matching a result's step-namespace-name with three internal sets. No execution/matching logic is added to this object, so that it may be used to construct arguments as an RPC request. It is left for runners to implement matching logic by themselves. Note: This class only supports user defined metrics. """ def __init__(self) -> None: self._names: Set[str] = set() self._namespaces: Set[str] = set() self._steps: Set[str] = set() @property def steps(self) -> FrozenSet[str]: return frozenset(self._steps) @property def names(self) -> FrozenSet[str]: return frozenset(self._names) @property def namespaces(self) -> FrozenSet[str]: return frozenset(self._namespaces)
[docs] def with_metric(self, metric: 'Metric') -> 'MetricsFilter': name = or '' namespace = metric.metric_name.namespace or '' return self.with_name(name).with_namespace(namespace)
[docs] def with_name(self, name: str) -> 'MetricsFilter': return self.with_names([name])
[docs] def with_names(self, names: Iterable[str]) -> 'MetricsFilter': if isinstance(names, str): raise ValueError('Names must be a collection, not a string') self._names.update(names) return self
[docs] def with_namespace(self, namespace: Union[Type, str]) -> 'MetricsFilter': return self.with_namespaces([namespace])
[docs] def with_namespaces( self, namespaces: Iterable[Union[Type, str]]) -> 'MetricsFilter': if isinstance(namespaces, str): raise ValueError('Namespaces must be an iterable, not a string') self._namespaces.update([Metrics.get_namespace(ns) for ns in namespaces]) return self
[docs] def with_step(self, step: str) -> 'MetricsFilter': return self.with_steps([step])
[docs] def with_steps(self, steps: Iterable[str]) -> 'MetricsFilter': if isinstance(steps, str): raise ValueError('Steps must be an iterable, not a string') self._steps.update(steps) return self
[docs] class Lineage: """Standard collection of metrics used to record source and sinks information for lineage tracking.""" LINEAGE_NAMESPACE = "lineage" SOURCE = "sources" SINK = "sinks" _METRICS = { SOURCE: Metrics.string_set(LINEAGE_NAMESPACE, SOURCE), SINK: Metrics.string_set(LINEAGE_NAMESPACE, SINK) } def __init__(self, label: str) -> None: """Create a Lineage with valid label (:data:`~Lineage.SOURCE` or :data:`~Lineage.SINK`) """ self.metric = Lineage._METRICS[label]
[docs] @classmethod def sources(cls) -> 'Lineage': return cls(Lineage.SOURCE)
[docs] @classmethod def sinks(cls) -> 'Lineage': return cls(Lineage.SINK)
_RESERVED_CHARS = re.compile(r'[:\s.]')
[docs] @staticmethod def wrap_segment(segment: str) -> str: """Wrap segment to valid segment name. Specifically, If there are reserved chars (colon, whitespace, dot), escape with backtick. If the segment is already wrapped, return the original. """ if segment.startswith("`") and segment.endswith("`"): return segment if return "`" + segment + "`" return segment
[docs] @staticmethod def get_fq_name( system: str, *segments: str, subtype: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """Assemble fully qualified name (`FQN <>`_). Format: - `system:segment1.segment2` - `system:subtype:segment1.segment2` - `system:`segment1.with.dots:colons`.segment2` This helper method is for internal and testing usage only. """ segs = '.'.join(map(Lineage.wrap_segment, segments)) if subtype: return ':'.join((system, subtype, segs)) return ':'.join((system, segs))
[docs] def add( self, system: str, *segments: str, subtype: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """ Adds the given details as Lineage. For asset level lineage the resource location should be specified as Dataplex FQN, see Example of adding FQN components: - `add("system", "segment1", "segment2")` - `add("system", "segment1", "segment2", subtype="subtype")` Example of adding a FQN: - `add("system:segment1.segment2")` - `add("system:subtype:segment1.segment2")` The first positional argument serves as system, if full segments are provided, or the full FQN if it is provided as a single argument. """ system_or_details = system if len(segments) == 0 and subtype is None: self.metric.add(system_or_details) else: self.metric.add(self.get_fq_name(system, *segments, subtype=subtype))
[docs] @staticmethod def query(results: MetricResults, label: str) -> Set[str]: if not label in Lineage._METRICS: raise ValueError("Label {} does not exist for Lineage", label) response = results.query( MetricsFilter().with_namespace(Lineage.LINEAGE_NAMESPACE).with_name( label))[MetricResults.STRINGSETS] result = set() for metric in response: result.update(metric.committed) result.update(metric.attempted) return result