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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# pytype: skip-file

from import messages
from apache_beam.options import pipeline_options
from apache_beam.utils import retry

  # pylint: disable=wrong-import-order, wrong-import-position
  # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
  import boto3

except ImportError:
  boto3 = None

[docs] def get_http_error_code(exc): if hasattr(exc, 'response'): return exc.response.get('ResponseMetadata', {}).get('HTTPStatusCode') return None
[docs] class Client(object): """ Wrapper for boto3 library """ def __init__(self, options): assert boto3 is not None, 'Missing boto3 requirement' if isinstance(options, pipeline_options.PipelineOptions): s3_options = options.view_as(pipeline_options.S3Options) access_key_id = s3_options.s3_access_key_id secret_access_key = s3_options.s3_secret_access_key session_token = s3_options.s3_session_token endpoint_url = s3_options.s3_endpoint_url use_ssl = not s3_options.s3_disable_ssl region_name = s3_options.s3_region_name api_version = s3_options.s3_api_version verify = s3_options.s3_verify else: access_key_id = options.get('s3_access_key_id') secret_access_key = options.get('s3_secret_access_key') session_token = options.get('s3_session_token') endpoint_url = options.get('s3_endpoint_url') use_ssl = not options.get('s3_disable_ssl', False) region_name = options.get('s3_region_name') api_version = options.get('s3_api_version') verify = options.get('s3_verify') session = boto3.session.Session() self.client = session.client( service_name='s3', region_name=region_name, api_version=api_version, use_ssl=use_ssl, verify=verify, endpoint_url=endpoint_url, aws_access_key_id=access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=secret_access_key, aws_session_token=session_token) self._download_request = None self._download_stream = None self._download_pos = 0
[docs] def get_object_metadata(self, request): """Retrieves an object's metadata. Args: request: (GetRequest) input message Returns: (Object) The response message. """ kwargs = {'Bucket': request.bucket, 'Key': request.object} try: boto_response = self.client.head_object(**kwargs) except Exception as e: raise messages.S3ClientError(str(e), get_http_error_code(e)) item = messages.Item( boto_response['ETag'], request.object, boto_response['LastModified'], boto_response['ContentLength'], boto_response['ContentType']) return item
[docs] def get_stream(self, request, start): """Opens a stream object starting at the given position. Args: request: (GetRequest) request start: (int) start offset Returns: (Stream) Boto3 stream object. """ if self._download_request and ( start != self._download_pos or request.bucket != self._download_request.bucket or request.object != self._download_request.object): self._download_stream.close() self._download_stream = None # noinspection PyProtectedMember if not self._download_stream or self._download_stream._raw_stream.closed: try: self._download_stream = self.client.get_object( Bucket=request.bucket, Key=request.object, Range='bytes={}-'.format(start))['Body'] self._download_request = request self._download_pos = start except Exception as e: raise messages.S3ClientError(str(e), get_http_error_code(e)) return self._download_stream
[docs] @retry.with_exponential_backoff() def get_range(self, request, start, end): r"""Retrieves an object's contents. Args: request: (GetRequest) request start: (int) start offset end: (int) end offset (exclusive) Returns: (bytes) The response message. """ for i in range(2): try: stream = self.get_stream(request, start) data = - start) self._download_pos += len(data) return data except Exception as e: self._download_stream = None self._download_request = None if i == 0: # Read errors are likely with long-lived connections, retry immediately if a read fails once continue if isinstance(e, messages.S3ClientError): raise e raise messages.S3ClientError(str(e), get_http_error_code(e))
[docs] def list(self, request): r"""Retrieves a list of objects matching the criteria. Args: request: (ListRequest) input message Returns: (ListResponse) The response message. """ kwargs = {'Bucket': request.bucket, 'Prefix': request.prefix} if request.continuation_token is not None: kwargs['ContinuationToken'] = request.continuation_token try: boto_response = self.client.list_objects_v2(**kwargs) except Exception as e: raise messages.S3ClientError(str(e), get_http_error_code(e)) if boto_response['KeyCount'] == 0: message = 'Tried to list nonexistent S3 path: s3://%s/%s' % ( request.bucket, request.prefix) raise messages.S3ClientError(message, 404) items = [ messages.Item( etag=content['ETag'], key=content['Key'], last_modified=content['LastModified'], size=content['Size']) for content in boto_response['Contents'] ] try: next_token = boto_response['NextContinuationToken'] except KeyError: next_token = None response = messages.ListResponse(items, next_token) return response
[docs] def create_multipart_upload(self, request): r"""Initates a multipart upload to S3 for a given object Args: request: (UploadRequest) input message Returns: (UploadResponse) The response message. """ try: boto_response = self.client.create_multipart_upload( Bucket=request.bucket, Key=request.object, ContentType=request.mime_type) response = messages.UploadResponse(boto_response['UploadId']) except Exception as e: raise messages.S3ClientError(str(e), get_http_error_code(e)) return response
[docs] def upload_part(self, request): r"""Uploads part of a file to S3 during a multipart upload Args: request: (UploadPartRequest) input message Returns: (UploadPartResponse) The response message. """ try: boto_response = self.client.upload_part( Body=request.bytes, Bucket=request.bucket, Key=request.object, PartNumber=request.part_number, UploadId=request.upload_id) response = messages.UploadPartResponse( boto_response['ETag'], request.part_number) return response except Exception as e: raise messages.S3ClientError(str(e), get_http_error_code(e))
[docs] def complete_multipart_upload(self, request): r"""Completes a multipart upload to S3 Args: request: (UploadPartRequest) input message Returns: (Void) The response message. """ parts = {'Parts':} try: self.client.complete_multipart_upload( Bucket=request.bucket, Key=request.object, UploadId=request.upload_id, MultipartUpload=parts) except Exception as e: raise messages.S3ClientError(str(e), get_http_error_code(e))
[docs] def delete(self, request): r"""Deletes given object from bucket Args: request: (DeleteRequest) input message Returns: (void) Void, otherwise will raise if an error occurs """ try: self.client.delete_object(Bucket=request.bucket, Key=request.object) except Exception as e: raise messages.S3ClientError(str(e), get_http_error_code(e))
[docs] def delete_batch(self, request): aws_request = { 'Bucket': request.bucket, 'Delete': { 'Objects': [{ 'Key': object } for object in request.objects] } } try: aws_response = self.client.delete_objects(**aws_request) except Exception as e: raise messages.S3ClientError(str(e), get_http_error_code(e)) deleted = [obj['Key'] for obj in aws_response.get('Deleted', [])] failed = [obj['Key'] for obj in aws_response.get('Errors', [])] errors = [ messages.S3ClientError(obj['Message'], obj['Code']) for obj in aws_response.get('Errors', []) ] return messages.DeleteBatchResponse(deleted, failed, errors)
[docs] def copy(self, request): try: copy_src = {'Bucket': request.src_bucket, 'Key': request.src_key} self.client.copy(copy_src, request.dest_bucket, request.dest_key) except Exception as e: raise messages.S3ClientError(str(e), get_http_error_code(e))