WordCount quickstart for Go
This Quickstart will walk you through executing your first Beam pipeline to run WordCount, written using Beam’s Go SDK, on a runner of your choice.
If you’re interested in contributing to the Apache Beam Go codebase, see the Contribution Guide.
Set up your environment
The Beam SDK for Go requires go
version 1.20 or newer. It can be downloaded here. Check what go version you have by running:
If you are unfamiliar with Go, see the Get Started With Go Tutorial.
Run wordcount
The Apache Beam examples directory has many examples. All examples can be run by passing the required arguments described in the examples.
For example, to run wordcount
, run:
go run github.com/apache/beam/sdks/v2/go/examples/wordcount@latest --input gs://dataflow-samples/shakespeare/kinglear.txt \
--output gs://<your-gcs-bucket>/counts \
--runner dataflow \
--project your-gcp-project \
--region your-gcp-region \
--temp_location gs://<your-gcs-bucket>/tmp/ \
--staging_location gs://<your-gcs-bucket>/binaries/
# Build and run the Spark job server from Beam source.
# -PsparkMasterUrl is optional. If it is unset the job will be run inside an embedded Spark cluster.
./gradlew :runners:spark:3:job-server:runShadow -PsparkMasterUrl=spark://localhost:7077
# In a separate terminal, run:
go run github.com/apache/beam/sdks/v2/go/examples/wordcount@latest --input <PATH_TO_INPUT_FILE> \
--output counts \
--runner spark \
--endpoint localhost:8099
Next Steps
- Learn more about the Beam SDK for Go and look through the godoc.
- Walk through these WordCount examples in the WordCount Example Walkthrough.
- Clone the Beam Go starter project.
- Take a self-paced tour through our Learning Resources.
- Dive in to some of our favorite Videos and Podcasts.
- Join the Beam users@ mailing list.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you encounter any issues!
Last updated on 2025/03/10
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