Beam YAML Join

Beam YAML can join two or more inputs on specified columns. For example, the following pipeline joins the First Input pcollection and Second Input pcollection when col1 in First Input is equal to col2 in Second Input.

- type: Join
    input1: First Input
    input2: Second Input
      - input1: col1
        input2: col2

When joining multiple inputs on one column that is named the same across all the inputs, one can use the following shorthand syntax:

- type: Join
    input1: First Input
    input2: Second Input
    input3: Third Input
    equalities: col1

Join Types

When using the Join transform, one can specify the type of join to perform on the inputs. If no join type is specified, the inputs are all joined using an inner join. The supported join types are:

Join TypeYAML Keyword
Inner Joininner
Full Outer Joinleft
Right Outer Joinright

The following example joins two inputs using an inner join on the specified equalities:

- type: Join
    input1: First Input
    input2: Second Input
    type: inner
      - input1: col1
        input2: col1

The following example joins two inputs using a left outer join on the specified equalities. In this case, all rows from input1 will be kept because input1 is the left input. Order of joins follows the sequence as specified in equalities.

- type: Join
    input1: First Input
    input2: Second Input
    type: left
      - input1: col1
        input2: col1

The following example joins three inputs using an full outer join on the specified equalities:

- type: Join
    input1: First Input
    input2: Second Input
    input3: Third Input
    type: outer
      - input1: col1
        input2: col1
      - input2: col2
        input3: col2

If you want a combination of join types, you can specify the inputs to be outer joined. The following example joins input1 with input2 using a right outer join since input2 is on the right side and will join input2 with input 3 using a left outer join since input2 is on the left side.

- type: Join
    input1: First Input
    input2: Second Input
    input3: Third Input
        - input2
      - input1: col1
        input2: col1
      - input2: col2
        input3: col2


By default, the join transform includes all columns from all input tables. If column names clash, it’s best to rename them explicitly. Otherwise, the system will deduplicate names by adding a numeric suffix

To choose which columns to output, or to customize the output column names, use the “fields” configuration.

To specify which columns to output from an input, use the input reference as the configuration key and a list of desired columns as the configuration value. The following example outputs col1 from input1, col2 and col3 from input2, and all the columns from input 3. If there is a name clash, it appends a numeric suffix to avoid duplicate naming.

- type: Join
    input1: First Input
    input2: Second Input
    input3: Third Input
    equalities: col1
      input1: [col1]
      input2: [col2, col3]

To rename a column in the output, create a mapping for the input with the key as the new column name and the value as the original column name. The following example maps col1 from input3 to the column name “renamed_col1”:

- type: Join
    input1: First Input
    input2: Second Input
    input3: Third Input
    equalities: col1
      input1: [col1]
      input2: [col2, col3]
        renamed_col1: col1